DemandForce? What is that?

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Recently we subscribed to a service provided by DemandForce to help us better communicate with our patients. As we all know, we have become more technology dependent.  Computers have been common at work and at home.  Email and text messaging have become the standard ways to communicate on the run!!  (It never ceases to amaze me that my son can send and receive 7000 texts in a month–that could be the discussion of a future posting!!)  Over the last 6 months, more and more patients have expressed an interest in receiving office reminders via email and text, so we have researched ways to do this and have found DemandForce to be a wonderful tool to help us keep everyone informed.  You will be able to receive emails and texts reminding you upcoming appointments.  You will be able to confirm that appointment by a click of a button.  It will streamline confirmations and will allow you to see and respond at your convenience!!

Despite the increase in technology (or maybe because of it) it is more important now than ever before to build relationships.  Those of you old enough to remember the book Megatrends will recall the concept that with high tech, there must be a push for more high touch.   We can’t just let the machines in our lives force us to become distant from all the people around us.  We all want to be connected to others, so lets all make the effort to build relationships.

Here at Mendez Family Dental, we know that and we will work to make sure you feel like one of the family.  Go ahead and check us out on the internet at, or on Facebook ( and Twitter (  As you do, remember, we value you as a person and will treat you like family.