Laws of the Universe

During this busy time of the year we can get so wrapped up in many projects or activities.  I came across these laws and felt they were light hearted (and amazingly accurate.)  I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. Here's to wishing you a very Merry Christmas!! (If you choose to celebrate.) Otherwise happy holidays to you... read more »

Are we there yet?

Here we are, mid December already.  Where has the time gone?  It seems like we just had Christmas.  Didn't we?  At any rate, I have been going through the motions this year.  Attempting to act excited (or even interested, for that matter.) So far it has produced minimal results.  Not sure what it is that is keeping me from truly enjoying... read more »

So much to be thankful for!!!

Any of you with children of your own, know the drill.  You work hard to teach the young ones to make good choices and prepare them to make the tough ones.  When they are young you play a VERY active role in that process.  As they mature you (some times reluctantly) have to step back and let them flap their... read more »

It all starts off so innocently!

Just spent some time surfing the web to research dental-related topics for today's entry. I was not sure of what to write until I came across this information regarding oral piercings. Enjoy it. Hopefully it will help you in your decision-making regarding a piercing. Researchers Find Tongue Piercing Could Lead To Gum and Tooth Problems... A new study found that... read more »

Maybe I should have listened better!!

You know those days.  I am sure you have had them too.  You wake up and know that something is going to happen.  You just need to experience a little of your day before it all starts to come into focus.  I had one of those days this week.   On average, I wake up bright and early 6-7 days a week to walk,... read more »

Ramblings of a proud dad!

Spent Friday with my son Brandon in Lincoln, Nebraska.  He had an interview for admission into the dental school. (My Alma Mater.)  We had a great time talking during the 10 hour drive up and back, and during the hotel stay.  Discussing hope and dreams!!  Talks like that really give me hope for our future.  Another son, Jordan, is turning... read more »

My first real post

This is my first venture into the realm of the cyberspace blog.  I have recently gained enough information about Web 2.0 to be dangerous.  I intend to keep this current.  I hope this will be a great experience for all of us.  If there is one thing true in life, it is that anything new will require a learning curve to overcome. ... read more »