Because of the close proximity of the prostate to several vital structures, prostate cancer and its treatment strategies can disrupt normal urinary, bowel, and sexual functioning. Urinary function—Under normal circumstances, the urinary sphincters (bands of muscle tissue at the base of the bladder and at the base of the prostate) remain tightly shut, preventing urine that’s stored in the bladder... read more »
Did you know the prostate is a small gland about the size of a walnut that sits under the bladder and in front of the rectum? The urethra is the narrow tube that runs the length of the penis and carries both urine and semen out of the body, and runs directly through the prostate. Sitting just above the prostate... read more »
As  the holidays approach, I wonder why we do what we do.  Where did our traditions come from?  I was reading on about the Jack-o-lantern.  Maybe my fascination comes from the fact that "Jack" usually has a big toothy grin.  Whatever the reason for my interest, I am sure you will find this as interesting as I did! People have been... read more »
I know my writings have been riveting, and  you have been reading this blog faithfully since its inception; so you know how I "cheated" on my Honda Shadow back in March. (If not, here is the original post. ) Now that you are up to speed, I want to share with you "the rest of the story". Shortly before Father's Day,... read more »
Saw this recently, and enjoyed it.  I thought you would too. Pets are cute and cuddly, but what are their real benefits? Here are just a few of the ways pets can help you out: Pets improve your mood. Stroking, cuddling, and just being around a pet that gives unconditional love helps many people become happier. In fact, more than... read more »
Despite our best efforts, most patients in our practice have had at least one cavity and filling in their lives.  If you are in your thirties or older, chances are your fillings were made of metal.  Recently these fillings have become a controversial topic in the health press. This material, known as "amalgam," is actually a combination of silver, tin,... read more »
Recently we subscribed to a service provided by DemandForce to help us better communicate with our patients. As we all know, we have become more technology dependent.  Computers have been common at work and at home.  Email and text messaging have become the standard ways to communicate on the run!!  (It never ceases to amaze me that my son can... read more »
I came across this recently and felt it was great advise for anyone in their life.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. By H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery. Work at something you enjoy and that’s worthy of your time and talent. Give people more than... read more »
The high school class for 2010 has experienced some interesting historical events in their 18 or so years of life. Here is a list of things that put their current situation in perspective: The people who are starting college this fall across the nation were most likely born in 1992. They do not remember the Reagan Era and probably did... read more »
We’ve all noticed it from time to time – have some ice cream followed by good hot coffee and OUCH! – Your tooth is telling you not to do that! But how do you know if your tooth sensitivity is a sign of (pardon the pun) a deep rooted problem? Let’s start with a little quiz. What is the hardest... read more »