What you are about to read is based on a recent true event in my life. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. You will notice mine is not changed. Hmmm. I am 99.8% the person involved will not read this. And I am 99.9 % you will not know her either! Not long ago Bertha Buttz presented... read more »
You probably know this already. I ride a motorcycle--a Harley to be exact. As I surf the net I come across many blogs and sites for and about people who enjoy the open road in a non-cage vehicle. There is a great deal of debate as to what to call us. Am I a biker? Am I a rider?... read more »
It was an absolutely beautiful morning this morning. Low sixties. Light wind. A beautiful sunrise. Were you up early enough to enjoy it too? It was amazing!! My alarm woke me at 5:10 (the usual time), I got dressed in my shorts and t-shirt. I donned my reflective vest, and popped in my tunes. I set off on a 14... read more »
We are often asked if we do those mercury fillings. The answer is Yes and No. When I attended dental school back in the 20th century, I received the best dental education at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry. It was a grueling 4 years, but well worth the effort. We learned about the materials and procedures... read more »
Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' Into the future Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' Into the future . -Steve Miller Band This week my parents will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. That is an amazing accomplishment! Congratulations to them. They have been through a lot together. The fact they are together... read more »
The Memorial Day weekend is over. It has been a great one. Four days off from work was a treat! Our country is great in part because of the wonderful men and women who have given of themselves in the armed forces. The sacrifice of these brave men and women should never go unrecognized. I honor you and salute you!... read more »
When I was a child, I really did not enjoy going to the dentist! As a matter of fact, it was quite the ordeal for my mom to get me to sit in the chair. Eventually, a visit to the local “dime store” for a post-visit bribe worked. Needless to say, I eventually outgrew those feelings. In the past... read more »
Today, my post will be short, sweet and to the point. (How unusual!) I am a proud member of the Pittsburg Sunrise Rotary. It is an awesome group with a wide variety of members--age and professions. Despite the early start time (7:00am), the members are wide awake and ready to face the world. Our club is organized... read more »
This post will seem scattered, but please be patient! Over the last year and a half, I have been through some life experiences that have taught me a few things, one is an important truism--"stuff happens to you for a reason!" This morning it happened again. I enjoy bicycle riding in the morning. The weather is cool, the birds are... read more »
My dad tells corny jokes. Lots of them! He gets to telling so many that he makes himself laugh so hard that you have a difficult time understanding him. He is a hoot!! In his stash of jokes he will slip in a riddle. "There are two barbers in town, one with beautiful hair the other with hair not so... read more »