While fillings are sometimes called for to repair a chip or fracture in the tooth enamel, most are a result of tooth decay. Even though a filling is meant to last for many years, they are still not impervious to the passage of time. In general, the larger and older a filling is, the more likely it is to be... read more »
Your tooth enamel has microscopic pores that are receptive to long-term staining. Many people interested in brightening their smile will turn to Dr. Albert Mendez to understand their whitening options. Your dentist has the training and experience needed to help you find the safest, most effective way to brighten your smile. Often, they'll recommend using a dental bleaching gel if... read more »
A pain deep in your gums, or inside one of your teeth is always a serious cause for concern. It is almost always a sign that you need to see Dr. Albert Mendez as soon as possible to have the tooth looked at and problem accurately diagnosed. If there is no obvious traumatic event that preceded the toothache, then it... read more »
Although medications are meant to improve your overall health, they can alter your oral health more than you might realize. Some side effects that are included with medications can cause major dental issues and can damage your pearly whites, which is why our Mendez Family Dental team recommends keeping your oral health in mind while taking prescribed drugs and supplements.... read more »
If a tooth is lost, it can seriously impact a person’s quality of life. From chewing to swallowing to speaking, a myriad of challenges present themselves. Self-confidence can also suffer if the lost tooth was prominent. One way to restore the smile after a tooth is lost is to install a dental bridge. Here are some things you should know... read more »
Dry mouth occurs when saliva production by the glands (salivary glands) in the mouth is decreased, making the mouth feel unusually dry. Saliva is important for oral health because it helps protect the oral tissues against ulcers or sores that might arise from friction during eating and speaking, it neutralizes acids, protects against tooth decay, and helps digest your food... read more »
You know that you should brush your teeth every day, but do you know when the best time to brush is? Or how often you should brush? Similarly, do you ever wonder if you should brush or floss first? Today, our team at Mendez Family Dental is happy to address questions like these. Most dentists recommend that you brush twice... read more »
Flossing is one of the cornerstones of an effective oral hygiene regimen. Flossing at least twice a day can make the difference between a healthy mouth and long term, chronic issues with gum disease. Sometimes there is the misconception that flossing is little more than running a piece of floss, up and down between your teeth. In reality the spaces... read more »
Recently the online dating site eHarmony published their list of "Fifteen Reasons To Date A Dentist." Could there possibly be that many? Are they accurate? You be the judge. Here are 15 reasons to date a dentist according to eHarmony: 1. Sweet kisses. Expect impeccable dental hygiene and fresh breath. 2. Dentists are smart. Smart is sexy. 3. Your parents... read more »
As the weather starts to warm up, I, like most riders, start to think about the Spring riding season.  Recently I came across this post on a "biker" site.  I really enjoyed it, so I am re-posting here. 12 Important Things My Motorcycle Has Taught Me !!! The only good view of a thunderstorm is in your rear view mirror.... read more »