Are you doing your part to ensure your smile remains in excellent condition? Although it may seem like a chore at times, the small amounts of attention you spend each day caring for your smile, including brushing and flossing for a few minutes, can have drastic effects on your smile that will last for years. Listed below are some common... read more »
Have you ever asked what are dental bridges? If so, you have come to the right place! Dental bridges are a form of smile restorations that can work if you find yourself missing a tooth or two. That is why our team here at Mendez Family Dental in Pittsburg, Kansas, is happy to talk to you about dental bridges and... read more »
Is your smile at risk of dental damage? Although there are numerous treatments out there for a variety of oral health ailments, it’s best to deal with any problematic situations before they even begin. However, in some cases, damage to your teeth and gums happens very quickly, so you must protect your mouth from any harm that could come your... read more »
It’s a good idea to occasionally read over brushing techniques. The reason why is because we often develop habitual routines when it comes to our brushing. This isn’t a bad thing. Regularly brushing is great for protecting your teeth from decay. However, habits are by nature done with little thought and sometimes the way you habitually brush can actually harm... read more »
Some things in this world are just better together, like strawberries and cream, water and slides, sunshine and blue skies, and oral hygiene and orthodontics. Great orthodontics means great oral hygiene, so why not make the change today to straighten your teeth and enhance your smile. Mendez Family Dental wants to improve your oral hygiene with our excellent orthodontic treatments.... read more »
Can Invisalign® give you the smile you want? Well, consider this, Invisalign has been helping millions of people have straighter, more aligned smiles. In fact, as of December 2016, four million people have transformed their smiles wearing the Invisalign aligner system! So, if you have been seeking to have your smile straightened without the traditional route of wearing braces, Invisalign... read more »
Chronic problems with tooth decay and gum disease can sometimes result in the loss of multiple teeth. As the years go on, the problems can become progressive and can significantly compromise your ability to chew food. It could even slur your speech and leave you with an unappealing smile. To address all of these issues and restore the full function... read more »
The human body changes when a woman is pregnant. Pregnant women need to take care of their bodies to make sure their baby is healthy. However, many pregnant women forget about the importance of protecting their oral health. In reality, if pregnant women don’t care for their teeth well, they could experience a number of potentially serious issues. For example,... read more »
If you participate in rigorous athletics or contact sports without wearing a quality mouthguard, your teeth are at risk for many potential dangers. One of the most severe oral traumas you could suffer is having a tooth knocked out. When this happens, the tooth is usually so badly damaged that it is lost and your dentist, Dr. Albert Mendez, must... read more »
Have you ever experienced an abscessed tooth or a tooth infection? As you probably already know, your body tends to fight off infections fairly well, but your teeth are something of an exception. You see, tooth infections typically happen in the center of your tooth, meaning you won’t be able to get antibodies to the infection. So, in order to... read more »